Saturday, February 11, 2006

Other jobs

I have been out of work for a few years following a Voluntary Severance deal where I was paid a lump sum and several years salary.This was indeed a good thing.However I am finding it difficult to get a job .My experience is in the telecoms/IT/project management area.I have been to several recruitment agencies and have had just 1 interview.Bearing this in mind , I have been reconsidering my career direction and have been thinking of possible alternative careers:

- Rock Star
- Babysitter
- Standup comedian
- Hired assassin

I have rejected Suicide Bomber as the career progression is a bit of a problem, celestial virgins notwithstanding...

btw did you know that origin of the word "assassin" is based on arabs who took hashish before going out on a job ? Interesting that. Hashashin.Assassin.
Now, where'd I put the hash ?


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